Getting an account#
Depending on the status, there are different protocols to get an HPC account:
BayernKI & NHR users
- If you are applying for a BayernKI project or an NHR project you automatically become manager of your project.
- HPC accounts are created by invitation through project managers in the HPC Portal.
- If you are part of a BayernKI project or an NHR project, contact your project manager for an invitation.
FAU staff and students, FAU service area "Tier3 Grundversorgung" (except for lectures)
HPC accounts are created by invitation through the chair's contact person in the HPC Portal.
These accounts are free of charge for publicly funded research and theses. Compute needs beyond the free basic usage require an NHR project.
If an institute of FAU (or the RRZE service area) is not yet represented in the HPC portal, please follow the necessary steps to request a Tier3 basic supply project.
Lectures of FAU
- Lecturers have to send to
- the course name
- the system(s) which they want the students to use
- any special requirements regarding software installation
After that, a project for the lecture will be set up in the HPC portal. The lecturer can then send (bulk or individual) e-mail account invitations to students via the portal. Important: This works only with official FAU e-mail addresses.
Block courses with external participants
Lecturers have to send to
- the course name
- date
- the expected number of participants for the course
Accounts will only be valid for up to one week.