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Getting an account#

Depending on the status, there are different protocols to get an HPC account:

BayernKI & NHR users

  • If you are applying for a BayernKI project or an NHR project you automatically become manager of your project.
  • HPC accounts are created by invitation through project managers in the HPC Portal.
  • If you are part of a BayernKI project or an NHR project, contact your project manager for an invitation.

FAU staff and students, FAU service area "Tier3 Grundversorgung" (except for lectures)

  • HPC accounts are created by invitation through the chair's contact person in the HPC Portal.

  • These accounts are free of charge for publicly funded research and theses. Compute needs beyond the free basic usage require an NHR project.

  • If an institute of FAU (or the RRZE service area) is not yet represented in the HPC portal, please follow the necessary steps to request a Tier3 basic supply project.

Lectures of FAU

  • Lecturers have to send to
    • the course name
    • the system(s) which they want the students to use
    • any special requirements regarding software installation

After that, a project for the lecture will be set up in the HPC portal. The lecturer can then send (bulk or individual) e-mail account invitations to students via the portal. Important: This works only with official FAU e-mail addresses.

Block courses with external participants

  • Lecturers have to send to

    • the course name
    • date
    • the expected number of participants for the course
  • Accounts will only be valid for up to one week.